BODY TYPE: Picnic-Athletic. Abdominal predominant relative to the limbs, with round muscle. In women “hourglass” type, narrow waist.
DANCE: Its focus is on the chest, arms and from the hip. Their dance is glued to the ground, tend down by coming in and out continuously, slides, revolve, roll, smoothly and efficiently. Its movement is throught the curve.
Its movement is continouos, has a own rhythm pace. They have qualities for balance, and have natural elasticity. They are very fast and explosive, though not permanently in time.
Natural store a swinging motion, left – right, go and comeback, or get – through – drop.
Hands displayed. They dance mobilizing hair like energy projection.
They like improvise.
His look is calm and relaxed. It journey gives sense of rhythm.
Tend to show up and show her body. They wear Little clothes and go barefoot.
Their sound is laughter.
TRANSMISIÓN EMOCIONAL: La alegría, el amor, la apertura de corazón. La imaginación, el equilibrio y la entrega. La vida se basa en dar y recibir. Su movimiento es grácil y sensual, expresa armonía.
Su mirada es exterior, hablan de lo real, lo cotidiano, de la vida que les rodea.
Las danzas de movimiento relacionado con esta tipología serian, claqué, hip-hop, capoira, y en una danza contemporánea pegada a la tierra, de movimiento continuo en curva, muy vital.
Ejemplos de bailarines en danza contemporánea son; David Zambrano, Akram Kam ó Guillermo Weikert.